Chenard Walcker - Moo [fsz047] Songs/Artwork by Chenard Walcker cc 2006 Free Sample Zone All samples were taken from the albums listed below : 32,000 Pound Heavy Balloon (1969) Accolade - Accolade 2 (1971) Ache - Pictures From Cyclus 7 (1976) Alan Jack Civilization - Bluesy Mind (1969) Alice - Alice (1970) Ars Nova - Ars Nova (1968) Ars Nova - Sunshine & Shadows (1969) Association P.C. - Erna Morena (1973) Association P.C. - Mama Kuku (1974) Association P.C. - Sun Rotation (1972) Atila - Intencion (1976) Baby Whale - The Downhill Climb (1973) Baltik - Baltik (1973) Banda Love & Peace - Versiones En Ingles (1971) Blues Addicts - Blues Addicts (1970) Bullfrog - Bullfrog (1976) Calliope - 'Steamed (1968) Camel - Underage (1969) Cargo - Cargo (1970-72) Cathedral - Stained Glass Stories (1978) Champignons - Premiere Capsule (1972) Child - Child (1970) Corporation - The Corporation (1969) Corpus - Creation A Child (1969) Cosmic Eye - Dream Sequence (1972) Cosmos Factory - Cosmos Factory (An Old Castle Of Transylvania) (1973) Cupid's Inspiration - Yesterday Has Gone (1968) Delta Blues Band - Delta Blues Band Plus (1969-70) Earth Opera - S/T (1968) Earthquake - Earth Quake (1971) Earthquake - Why Don't You Try Me (1972) El Tarro De Mostaza - S/T (1974) Fanny Adams - Fanny Adams (1971) Fragile - Fragile (1976) Freedomīs Children - Galactic Vibes (1972) Gallery - The Wind That Shakes The Barley (1972) Galliard - New Dawn (1970) Galliard - Strange pleasure (1969) Geronimo - Cosmic Blues (1970) Gile's Farnaby's Dream Band - S/T (1971) Graffiti - Graffiti (1968) Grapefruit - Around Grapefruit (1969) Grootna - S/T (1971) Hax Cel - Zwai (1972) Human Beast - Volume One (1970) Icarus - The Marvel World Of Icarus (1972) Izukaitz - Izukaitz (1978) Made In Sweden -Live! At The 'Golden Circle' (1970) Master's Apprentices - S/T (1970) Master's Apprentices - Masterpiece (1969) Mecki Mark Men - Running In The Summer Night (1969) Mikael Ramel - Extra Vaganza (1974) Neon Rose - A Dream Of Glory And Pride (1974) Neon Rose - Reload (1975) Neon Rose - Two (1974) Ocean - God's Clown (1976) Odmenn - Odmenn (1970) One - One (1972) Ougenweide - Ougenweide (1973) Prof. Wolfff - Prof. Wolfff (1971) Rare Bird - As Your Mind Flies By (1970) Rare Bird - Born Again (1974) Rare Bird - Epic Forest (1972) Rare Bird - Rare Bird (1969) Rare Bird - Somebody's Watching (1973) Saga De Ragnar Lodbrock - S/T (1979) Secret Oyster - Secret Oyster (1973) Shiver - San Francisco's Shiver (1960s) Space Farm - Space Farm (1972) The Collectors - Grass And Wild Strawberries (1968) The Collectors - S/T (1968) The Rainbows - The Rainbows (1967) The Unfolding - How To Blow Your Mind And Have A Freak-Out Party (1967) The Zodiac - Cosmic Sounds (1967) Think - Variety (1973) United Empire Loyalists - Notes From The Underground (1968-70) Young Flowers - Blomsterpistolen/No.2 (1968/1969) Wallace Collection - Laughing Cavalier (1968) Waterfall - The Flight Of The Day (1977) Wynder K. Frog - Out Of The Frying Pan (1968)